"Object Required: fso" error when table starts


Pinball Master
Feb 11, 2020
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PSA: Future Pinball - BAM

If you get a Meditation Error of "Object Required: fso" when trying to start a Future Pinball table, do the following:
  • open the BAM menu while playing (~ or Q)
  • goto plugins
  • iCOM
  • change the setting to Safe (disable blacklisted)
  • exit BAM menu, then close FP completely, and try again

I got this error when this setting was on Paranoid. This plug-in uses its own settings file, so a reinstall of BAM settings wont change it, nor will installing / updating BAM overtop of your files.

I had a power outage, and was getting this error all of a sudden, so my guess was that the outage made BAM reset the cfg file for this plugin as a safety precaution.

I saw a couple other people get this error before, but it wasn't until now I knew exactly what may have caused it.
Had a power outage while playing last night and can confirm that this BAM fix works, thank you!
Thanks Terry. I was about to post the same problem when I noticed this requester. Good work.
This and other solutions to problems are covered in my newest FAQ and Help Guide included in my latest FP and BAM Essentials AIO package,
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