FP What happens when you exceed the Max Object Count?

Future Pinball
I'm pretty sure with BAM this limit is arbitrary now. Though there might be something in the editor that makes it hard to add something. I can't recall what part conks out still.
Bam allows you to exceed the 800 object limit. I am pretty sure you are using Bam so I am not sure why you are getting that message. Are you sure you are using "fploader.exe" to load FP and not "Future Pinball.exe"?

Read item 4 of BAM Update v351:

Anyone else have any ideas?
It's not an error message. It's just on the Table information page. This is the first table that I noticed exceeded it, so I was curious if this was an actual hard limit or just a recommendation.
It's not an error message. It's just on the Table information page. This is the first table that I noticed exceeded it, so I was curious if this was an actual hard limit or just a recommendation.

It's probably a remnant message left over from Rav's fix. I have never noticed it before you mentioned it. Just ignore it.
It's not an error message. It's just on the Table information page. This is the first table that I noticed exceeded it, so I was curious if this was an actual hard limit or just a recommendation.

The last version of FP never removed this limit. that was back in 2008 :)

BAM removes this limitation, so you can add as many as you want now.
If you are adding flashers, you don't want to have more than 7 turned on at the same time. FP will transform the number over 7 from flashers into light bulbs. ...That is if you have hardware lights to use set to 7 which can't be set any higher.
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