Pinball Panic - And my thoughts, The Table Editor Video Series


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Oct 3, 2004
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It was suggested I check out Roxy Raccoon's Pinball Panic (The dev said he will change the name when the editor is more mature) so... I did.

This editor, like PinBuilder, is pretty new, but the dev reused a lot of resources from his DLC's and from the base game, so this is far slicker and way more professional in appearance. It seems to be more in the style of PCS (with tons of pre set objects) and aimed more for the casual player, but it is now becoming more and more shaping up to be a full editor, and with the update today, has the start of a basic logic system.

Very simple to use, also has multiple themes, complete with animations for the backdrops, tons of music, effects like snowdrops and lightning strikes, the whole kitchen sink really.

Dev is very active, and very commited. I've been doing a lot of suggestions, but it's a great start and others should think about grabbing it off of steam.

It's also FREE! (Support the dev, buy his dlc's, they are pretty cheap)

Here's my video's: (5 so far)

Here's the Steam page:
Roxy Racoon's Pinball Panic:
i like it.
looks easy to use.
looks like it has it's own engine and pinball gaming platform.
will it have DTexec versions for vp9, FP and vpx?
No idea.

This is using unity, but the physics needs a lot of work. I made some suggestions, so hopefully, others will grab it and do the same.
1. can you give me a link to what unity is
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sure, just search for unity game engine in google
@shiva Your reviews of Roxy Racoon Pinball are good and helpful to the developer. I even had some laughs when you said it was too pink and full of animals. Probably no one ever told you that you have an interesting voice it reminds me of the voice of Lemmy Kilmister, anyway keep making good reviews.
Thanks. New update but too busy playing Dyson Shere Project at the moment. :)

Lemmy... Good Heavy Metal guy. Never was a fan of Motorhead though.
Dyson Sphere is that a game ? I did like a few of the Motorhead songs I posted a good song some of the lyrics are written quite well I like some of the songs with meaning like the Doors, Johnny Cash, Greatful Dead. I was trying to compliment your voice is similar maybe its the accent.

Called Dyson Sphere Project. It's a builder, not for the weak hearted as it's really really really complex. Doing okay so far, but yikes....

Dio fan myself. Dio and Lemmy were best friends, sad they are both gone now. The rainbow in LA has the lemmy statue, ever see it?
I saw video of Dyson Sphere Project it looks similar to Sim City and StarCraft from what I saw. I don't play pc games that much anymore I did play a lot of Warcraft, Elder Scrolls, Final Fantasy and Diablo. I think Diablo 4 was released might not play it if I wanted to play I could just play Path of Exile its basically the same game lol :lol: kill monsters, get loot, equip loot then repeat.

I heard Dio before I was always listening to 90's rock music it was also sad for the singer from Audioslave it was cool listening to them on my ipod. Never seen the statue but I just Googled it now neat statue.
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