Pinball of the Month

Thanks for the link Jon. That's really a fantastic table, and really a great theme.

Yeah Route 66 is a fine looking machine, it was built with old Williams componenents and I love the theme!
Wow, is this post old!

And, wow, did it just inspire a new idea!

Why not pick some machine (however) each month, and invite a highest score list? Try to mix up newer machines with older ones, let everyone get in on the act...and interested in different tables and different eras, hopefully.

( on earth does anyone prove that they're not just bs'ing? Screenshots? Even those can be altered.)
Yep... those are Finnish guys... maintaining the site and community... I know some of that crew (via email only) and was registered to their forum. They arrange annual pinball competitions in Helsinki but I always had some excuse to not to go... this year I hope I'll make it.

We still have lots of pinball culture in Finland... and the community is quite large... which is nice of course.

PS: It would be nice to have reviews of the different VP recreations every month or even every week... Who's up to the task?
tudnut said:
Wow, is this post old!

And, wow, did it just inspire a new idea!

Why not pick some machine (however) each month, and invite a highest score list? Try to mix up newer machines with older ones, let everyone get in on the act...and interested in different tables and different eras, hopefully.

( on earth does anyone prove that they're not just bs'ing? Screenshots? Even those can be altered.)

Well, we can sort of do that now. has dozens of tables you can play and post your scores for, and you get points based on how well you do compared to everyone else. You can also challenge folks to duals, wher you have a week to get your best score, and see who beats who. It's the only way yet to prevent cheating, and it's pretty cool.
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