My Fun Table4: How I almost bought PinBuilder to it's knee's...


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Oct 3, 2004
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Favorite Pinball Machine
But I am not done yet...

I've been so busy with 8Ballse, that I really didn't just use PinBuilder for what it was intended for. A quick and simple Pinball table builder to make fun tables that is fast, simple to understand and easy to use.

Think I can do that? Oh you just don't know me do you? A complex build, (Really complex) a "creative" design, and a lot of swear words later, and here you go. My Fun Table4.

A wide body monster of a table, built only the way I can build it. Insane detail and care, with the smoothest lines possible. Yeap, I am insane to do this, people were right about me after all.

In the meanwhile, enjoy!

My "fun" table, and where it's at. Lots of design changes, with a overview of what they are, and why I made such major changes, and of course, more problems...

I discuss that damn apron, warn you about the plunger wood, discuss a little bit on the flipper problems plauging PinBuilder, and why they may be happening, and discuss some things you should note during your design, especially things like the Thumper Bumpers.

I'm starting to key on the physics a bit more, and have noticed a few things, so if you want to make your own table, this is a important video to help you not make mistakes in your design.

Note: this is a longer video, so grab a cup of coffee before you start watching.
@shiva We didn't have so many pinball building programs but it looks like another one popped out of the weeds this one looks like its more premade parts and premade script beginner friendly but not that much customization as Pinbuilder. It does look like it is cool to mess around with and maybe put together layouts or move things around for ideas and such.

Thank you.
Looks kind of great doesn't it? Way more features and polish than PinBuilder, but looks more like PCS. Great for prototyping designs. Noticed that it resembled the older style of making games used by the EM guys. Presets and set shapes, just like my Monster Board system. Cool...
Have to grab this and give it a whirl.

Even better, it's free. The DLC are of tables, just to support the project.
@shiva It looks good on the video try it out I bet you could make something nice. Yeah I think the demo is free the developer says they are still working and adding things I like the simplicity and just drag and drop. I like PinBuilder too hope they both succeed so we can see some projects from others on the workshop.
I have. The dev in his last couple updates has really expanded some things. Today he showed a simple logic system for scoring. He's really committed, even answered back from my first email. I'm uploading the second one I did yesterday (Think more people would be interested I record as I go along) and then maybe do a third today updating the previous 2.
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