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fpxEngine v1.4.1
fpxEngine v1.4.1 released.
The fpxEngine overhaul has begun, with a rewrite and overhaul of the code to make things even easier for Beginners and non-coders to be able to use the engine and design their own tables from scratch. The 1.4.x beta cycle will include gradual rewrites of all the key systems, and lots more new vault and scoring features. Beginning with 1.4.1 the vault is started, and the debut of the new 3.1 version of shivaflippers, with a major upgrade of the variable coil system. here's a list of some of the new additions in 1.4.1

- Latest version of shivaFlippers (version 3.2) added.
- Plastics in the Vault are now lighted objects, with special code added for BAM support and blinking effects.
- Menu key changed to the Special 2 key
- removed music sets, only Bally81 set in. This was to save time and get a master named music set in. The removed music sets will be added back in and renamed in the future.
- Messages removed from subroutines and placed in AddMusicSet
- New Vault items (basic) added. These are fully coded, but are simplified scoring. There are 7 vault items added for this version.
- StandupTargets
- Drop Targets
- Kickers
- triggers
- Plastics and spare parts
- New AddScoringEvents
- (AddScoringEvent "25kAward") 25kAward
- (AddScoringEvent "AddAlternatingLanes") Alternating Lanes (for both Inlane and Outlanes) with pinsettings in the User Define Section
- (AddScoringEvent "OutLaneSpecial") Special code to handle a Outlane special, that also turns off the outlane lights
- (AddScoringEvent "SpecialIsLit") a prompt informing the player that a special has been lit
- Ball Shadows added with settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section
- Playfield lighting added, with custom lens and bulb lighting code. With 3 settings in the User Define Section
- Dynamic Shadows added. With settings (On/Off) in the User Define Section
- Specail Bam Lighting code has been added for all lights, bulbs, and plastics, using Brightness, GlowRadius, and GlowBrightness. 1.14 only has these tested for the playfield lighting settings at it's brightest. Medium and Dark settings are there, but will be adjusted in the next versions.
- Manual rewritten but more rewrites are needed. A new section in the manual has been added for the Vault.
Finally done, though a lot of work remains on the manual side. This is a pretty big release, but some things referenced in the manual has been removed or reworked, as I move through the 1.4.x beta cycle. A lot of these features missing will be added as each beta is done, so excuse the mess.

My initial videos are here, that explain the vault system

youtube channel

You can grab the new updated version here:

fpxEngine updates and new versions thread:
Can't wait to try the new shivaflippers version. Thanks for releasing this.
I haven't messed with the fpxEngine myself, but from what I've seen and understood, it's pretty much the state-of-the-art, comprehensive FP table-building kit.

Therefore, I'm adding fpxEngine to featured resources, and pinning this thread for the time being. Perhaps it would be better pinned somewhere in FP's Tutorial & Guides section, but at least it's a start for connecting this wonderful resource to users interested in building their own games.
Thanks Nic. I haven't been well the last little while, so I will pick it back up and continue work when I am better.
I wish you a quick recover shiva. Not a good time to be sick.
Thanks, I'm fine now. It's a on going issue I have had for 40 years., just this time it took longer to get over is all. Just one of those things.
Still, will get back to it soon enough, girlfriend willing that is. :)
Maybe you should buy your girl a present.

Yes, that should work. :lovers2:
Considering how much time I spend on my pinball projects and not on her, she will point out it's not enough. :)
She's a good lass, but I never can get more than 10 minutes work done before she starts talking to me, and of course, I have to pay attention to her, and then forget where I was at before.
Shiva i know this situation i do think. I can say that i'm into the same shoes. When i have some FP projects or other projects, i try to concentrate on them; also hope that she'll understand the importance for me of my projects. She many time say that i'm not concentrating on her much and she feel that i put her aside. But ive got to say that she is a rare women that love me. It's important to show to a women by words and actions, how much you love her and appreciate her; brief take good care of her and take time for her.

When you have some projects that is important for yourself, it's important that you let her know about it; but not put too much time on it or she will consider to have less importance into your life. To talk in a calm, respect ways; to let her know. To put all cards on the table as they say, because if she say that she did not know; then you could say we had agreements about it. If she still say that she dont remember about it, it's probably because she dont remember about it; or probably because she remember about it but want to step back of her choices and what she have said.

If you want to be some bully to her, then ask her (by respect) to audio record the conversation of the subject "mentioning the full date and time" saying even the month (not saying as 6 of 8 of 2021) but as example "6 august 2021" of the recording. Some kind of audio agreements between her and you. So if in time she say: "no i have not say this and that"; then you simply make her listen to the audio recording. Then she wont be able to unmake what she have told vocally. You can after make other audio recordings of other agreements later on if necessary. If she say that the audio words has been arranged, like if the audio have been tricked; then you can also say that, you will then do a "video recording mentionning the full date and time". So like that she wont be able to say that the video have been cutted and recompiled.

It's important also that you indicate that you do nothing bad against her. Some womens might think when being on the computer, that it is for cheating your love relation. Then if a women think this, what you can do is simply put your computer; where she can always see at any times what you do. Like if she have her own computer and you have your own computer; that both computer separate screens are in the same room. As so you proove what you do, because she can see what you do on your computer. If she is curious about what you do, you can explain if you want what you do; and for what goal you want to reach. She might have some suggestions, that you maybe have not think about it. Maybe she might want to contribute to your projects also. If she want to learn what is good to do, what is not good to do and why? Again you can explain things and give explications and indications. Doing so will make her understand more your projects and the importance it have for you. It might make her accept more your doing, "but" dont put your women too much on the side; take time for her and give her time also by words and actions.

Continue your great works Shiva. A+
Nah, she's wonderful. I give her the weekends, it's just that she likes to talk, pretty much like most women. :)
I find the time when I'm not with her, she likes to shop (what woman doesn't) so I find a nice place to sit at a coffee shop. She usually tells me half a hour, but we all know that one. Hour here hour there, it gets done.
Between her, my son, and my health, sometimes it's very tough to find the time. Once the borders are open, we can finally go on vacation, so better get off my ass and get things done. Thanks guys, bit off the subject now, but then a lot of people expect us devs to work 24/7, and we all have lives.
thanks for the heads up but i dont do future pinball :bonk:
Strange i wonder if i have correctly download fpxengine 1_41? Because when i unzipped the file all it have is the folders: Textures (with only images), Vault folder (with fp tables, folders and no setup), VaultWorksheets (with just text files). At the root the files: "01_FpxBluePrint image", "fpxEngine (help file and pdf file), fpxengine_b141 (a fp table file). There is no setup files?

Also on the website of: https://fpxengine.com/
when i point and click on the text above writing "about us" it goes to the website of: https://wphoot.com/
that is weird !?
Nope. Never finished the site. Decided not to continue work on anything at the moment, concentrating on life at the moment. There is no set up files needed for it.
Real life is above pinball simulation...
I'll have to dig more into this template table, there is lots of code lines (almost 5700 lines). I love the many comment lines, i do the same for my tables also.

There is many script that i dont understand, because many peoples have not indicated to me many different script codes. But i have understand trough time that the code (dim) indicate create a "variable name element", that you then indicate what this name does.
As example:
Dim ILikePinballNirvana
If ILikePinballNirvana = 1 Then
do something.

In LUA programming i think what replace (dim) is (local)? At leass with the peoples help and time here i could understand more. It could even help me to create some new free pdf guides for beginners.

I understand that you dont have time much for the fpxengine website, my self also have my ways of life and priorities; but ive got to say the site is real nice and lovely. I like how its organized, the images also are great. I wonder with what softwares the pages are made?

Thanks for your time and help. 👍
Last edited:
Should mention I have started work on 1.5. Boy, there are a lot of changes coming. If you are subscribed to my channel, I did a quick youtube video of the W.I.P. so far, and will do more as I make major changes.
Nice new video for FPX.

Regarding the AIO Example code and the use of Constants instead of Dims....

I don't use Constants myself. Never have (never understood the benefit of it over a Dim). So if you see any Constants (like the Ball Hit Sounds section), those are part of JLou's settings and code for FizX related stuff. :) Easy enough to change those to a Dim if desired.

The top part of the AIO Example code is all "user" settings related stuff. I put it all up at the top to make it easy for anyone to access whatever settings they are "allowed" to change (instead of looking all over the place for it).

Once you get down to the Tweaker Tool "code".... from that point on it's basically all FizX / DOF / PUP framework code that the user doesn't change or alter right down the "END" as indicated. :)
With a Const, you can't change his value, it's all.
With a Const, you can't change his value, it's all.

Yah, that's what I thought, which is why I don't use them, normally (unless the code already used them, and I don't need to change the value during gameplay).
Should mention I have started work on 1.5. Boy, there are a lot of changes coming. If you are subscribed to my channel, I did a quick youtube video of the W.I.P. so far, and will do more as I make major changes.
Hey @shiva - I took a look at your "preview of 1.5" video and so many cool things you are showing. Looking forward to seeing that come together. Love the changes on the scripting and it will be great to see how that simplifies things!

One thing that seemed slightly off was the print on "real depth light sets". I feel as though the "print" should be at the top of the plastic insert, vs on the bottom of the plastic insert. I didn't hear you mention anything about that when you talked about using this lighting depth set.

Yeah. That is the model itself doing that. the texture is at the bottom, not the top. It was the only set that was available to use, I had asked a while back if someone had the vp set converted over to fp, but I guess no one did, so guess we are stuck with this set. I don't like this set either, but use what is available. I just don't have the time to learn blender and then convert all those inserts over, kind of have enough on my plate as it is.

The only way is to add a decal over top with the image, but that is a extra process for the table builder, and may still look goofy.
Did another video. Due to a gf indused injury (Not that kind of injury, get your mind out of the gutter) didn't do much. had a spectacular failure in fact, so I decided to do a filler episode. here's the blurb...

Wonder why I am taking so much time redoing things? Wonder why my naming convention is so strange and so long? Ever wonder why my scripts are a bit of a mess? It's called code in the tens of thousands of lines Baby...
I have a plan though...
(Or maybe it's because I'm just nuts for even attempting this, let alone the thousands of hours needed to doing this.)
Of course, I always do this, bite of more than I can chew, try and push myself to do better, so I figured I would do this video explaining how I am going to keep track of everything even if my lines of code excede 50,000. I also discuss my naming convention, and hopefully that will make sense so other people can follow my code as well."

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