EM Holes Passing Balls


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Dec 21, 2011
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I remember several EM machines that passed a ball from one eject hole to another in rapid succession . Can anyone tell me names of machines that had this interesting feature?
Doesn't Ali do this? (Stern 1980)
No Ali is an SS machine and although it does have a unique triple hole kicker with a single triple claw, it only kicks the ball downward onto the pop bumpers.
I know Ali is SS, but I thought I remember it doing something like that. I must be getting old. I do remember an EM doing that, but can't remember it's name.
Kings and Queens (1965) had a row of four; hit the left (Aces) one for ten points plus ten for each Ace you'd hit, and the ball would kick to the next (Kings) one, score in a like fashion, get kicked to the next (Queens) and then to the right (Jacks) which then kicked down to a flipper (I think they alternated if you repeated the sequence) so you could try it again...and again...and.....

For some reason, going off post to risk catching a dose of :appl: never appealed to me, so I played a lot of Kings And Queens :pinball:
I do remember an EM doing that, but can't remember it's name.

Kings and Queens (1965) had a row of four; hit the left (Aces) one for ten points plus ten for each Ace you'd hit, and the ball would kick to the next (Kings) one, score in a like fashion, get kicked to the next (Queens) and then to the right (Jacks) which then kicked down to a flipper (I think they alternated if you repeated the sequence) so you could try it again...and again...and.....

For some reason, going off post to risk catching a dose of :appl: never appealed to me, so I played a lot of Kings And Queens :pinball:

THAT'S the one!!
The Gift that Keeps On Giving

For some reason, going off post to risk catching a dose of :appl: never appealed to me, so I played a lot of Kings And Queens :pinball:
Thanks... Kings And Queens is one of the games I was thinking of...WOW... And about the :appl:. The :appl:would make for a night you could not soon forget.

There are at least two more games that had the "Pass A Ball" feature. I think I saw(A puddy Cat?) the machine I remember playing in the movie 'Tommy'. I think the kick out holes were in an arc and closer to the top of the playfield. I believe there was a flipper machine from the 50's that had a column of kick outs that passed the ball down the side of the playfield. I'm gonna keep looking for these machines and maybe some rubbers...C_S
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the 3 gottlieb machines that had that pass-a-ball feature that i remember are kings and queens, paradise, and sing along. plus the add-a-ball versions of these.
PiMball Wizard?

Thanks and check it out..."Tommy"(Roger Daltry) is playing KINGS AND QUEENS...C_S

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