4 GB patch for Future Pinball and BAM

Support File Tutorial BAM FP 4 GB patch for Future Pinball and BAM. A must have! v1.0.0.1

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Future Pinball
I tried a few Future Pinball games the ball physics always feels strange or sluggish I did like that it has the option to change camera angles it would be a nice feature in Visual Pinball if it had different camera modes.
I tried a few Future Pinball games the ball physics always feels strange or sluggish I did like that it has the option to change camera angles it would be a nice feature in Visual Pinball if it had different camera modes.

Not all FP tables are the same. Most FP tables are still using older physics from 2008. Its like comparing new VPX tables to older VP8 tables.

Newer FP tables that use the newer FizX physics play much better, and use similar physics techniques as nFozzy on VPX. Try any new PinEvent V2 table (that has FizX), and see if you like how they play. They also have many options for physics you can change to your liking.
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